Sunday, August 11, 2013

Grilled Peaches with Mascarpone and Honey

This isn't much of a recipe, more of a reminder to people that you can grill peaches. I'd kind of forgotten about grilled peaches until they were making free samples at the Wegmans recently and serving them with macarpone and honey. My daughter had a taste and declared we must make these! So I did. Of course when I made them, she wasn't as jazzed as she was at the grocery store. I probably shouldn't have had that plate of brownies sitting right next to them. 


peaches (ripe, but still firm), sliced in half and pitted
canola oil (or other no-taste oil)

1.      Heat the grill to medium.
2.      Brush the peaches with oil.
3.      Cook peaches on the grill until just cooked through (tender, but not falling apart),
      about 4 minutes per side (depending on the size of your peaches). Rotate 90ยบ halfway
      through if you want crosshatch grill marks.

4.      Serve peaches cut side up with a dollop of mascarpone and drizzling of honey.

peaches, halved and grilled
oiled peaches on the grill
grill marks
grilled peach with mascarpone
drizzling on the honey

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