Thursday, March 7, 2013

Roasted Rutabaga

While it's still root vegetable season, here's a nice simple recipe for roasting rutabagas. For me, roasting any root vegetable with olive oil, salt and pepper is already enough. The roasting caramelizes the vegetables and brings out just the right amount of sweetness. But I liked the addition of a touch of vinegar in this recipe to add a welcome touch of acidity. It's a really nice side dish. Just plain old nice.


2 large peeled and cubed rutabaga
6 tablespoons olive oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1.      Heat oven to 425ยบ F.
2.      Toss rutabaga with olive oil, salt and pepper on a baking sheet. Roast until golden and soft, 40 to 60 minutes.
3.      Toss with apple cider vinegar and chopped parsley.

cubed rutabagas
tossed with olive oil, salt and pepper
sprinkled with vinegar and parsley
roasted rutabaga

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