Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Garlic Butter & Garlic Bread (& Garlic Popcorn)

not fully mixed yet (or is that obvious)
I'm sure I've mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: I love garlic! So really it was just a matter of time before I made this post. You might think I originally made this garlic butter with the intention of turning it into garlic bread (but you'd be wrong). Lately I've been trying to make a good garlic popcorn, but wasn't having much luck. I tried popping some in a garlic-infused olive oil, but couldn't get it garlicky enough to really pack a punch (and you've gotta have a punch).

Then I tried adding minced garlic to the oil (only after the kernels had already begun to pop, so it wouldn't burn), but it burned. (Man that was gross.)  So finally I did what I was trying to avoid in the first place and just drizzled melted garlic butter over my popcorn. It was good (although next time I might strain it, pouring it over with the garlic chunks was a little awkward). Then I went ahead and made garlic bread too (you knew I would).

Yield: ½ cup

1 stick unsalted butter, softened
1 ½ teaspoons pressed (or finely minced) garlic
1 tablespoon finely grated parmesan cheese
1-2 pinches salt
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley
pinch of ground paprika
pinch of freshly ground black pepper

1.      Combine all ingredients in a small bowl; mix until smooth.
2.      Form into a log and wrap in plastic wrap.  Refrigerate (or freeze for up to 2 months).

garlic butter log (double batch)
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1 large baguette, sliced in half lengthwise
garlic butter, softened

1.      Preheat oven to 350ยบ F.
2.      Spread both halves of the bread with garlic butter.
3.      Bake (buttered side up) until bread is heated through and edges are toasted, about 10 minutes.  Cut and serve.
Tip: Leftover garlic bread makes great croutons.  Just cut into small cubes and toast until crunchy.

I used The Almost-No-Knead Baguette to make this garlic bread.

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