Thursday, December 2, 2010

Potato Latkes

Happy Hanukkah!  I admit, making latkes is about as Jewish as it gets for me, but I feel good about carrying on the tradition (not to mention eating the latkes).  This recipe started out as my grandmother Helen's, but I've changed it over the years, so I think it's both of ours now.  Don't worry if you accidentally find yourself singing Christmas jingles while you make these (I did and they still turned out great).  Besides, we all know there aren't any good Hanukkah songs, except for Adam Sandler's of course (sorry dreidel song).
 mini latkes draining on paper towels
Makes approx. 11 (or 25 minis for hors d’oeuvres)

1 pound potatoes, room temperature (I like Yukon Golds)
1 large egg
heaping 3/4 cup chopped onions (about 1 small-medium onion)
1/4 cup snipped chives (or finely chopped scallions)
1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste)
1/3 cup unbleached all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
unsalted butter & extra virgin olive oil for frying
apple sauce and/or sour cream for serving

1.      Peel and grate the potatoes.  Drain in a colander and squeeze out as much liquid as possible.  Transfer to a large bowl.
2.      Add egg, onions, chives, salt and flour; mix well.  Mix in baking powder right before frying.
3.      Heat a combination of butter and olive oil in a large skillet (enough to coat the pan about ¼” deep).  Add the batter using a large serving spoon to help make the latke shapes (or a small spoon for minis).  Fry latkes until crisp and golden on the outside and fully cooked through.  Drain on paper towels.  Taste the first batch and adjust salt if necessary.  Repeat with remaining batter.
4.      Serve hot with apple sauce and/or sour cream.
mini latkes frying

The best advice I can give you when making latkes is to be patient and resist the urge to flip them prematurely.  It's hard, I know (especially when you're making 5x the recipe and your back is killing you), but it's worth it.  If you flip too soon, they won't be golden & crispy on the outside and cooked all the way through (which makes the inside kind of gummy).  It's ideal if you can serve these immediately, but if you live in the real world and don't have that luxury, you can reheat them on a sheet pan in a 350ยบ F. oven.

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